30 health tips for everyday life

This article will explain how you can become a different and, above all, healthier person in just 30 days! Implement one of our health tips every day. On the first day, the first tip, then the second tip on the second day, and so on. (Of course, not if you’re making purchases). After a month, your daily routine will look completely different to what it does today. And you’ll not only be healthier, but also more attractive and productive!

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30 health tips

Print out the following list and hang it on your fridge, on your bulletin board, or on your bedside table. Every day, choose a new tip and put it into practice. This way, you will devote a little more time to your health every day. Soon, the 30 tips – or at least some of them – will become second nature to you. Have fun!

(Tips that recommend certain foods (e.g. 9. Quinoa Day) or sports do not have to be implemented every day, of course. The former perhaps every three to five days. The latter at least two, preferably four times a week.)

  1. Water Day

Replace soft drinks, juices, sweetened teas and alcoholic beverages with unsweetened herbal tea or water ( carbonated or still ).

  1. Raw Appetizer Day

Before every meal, eat a raw fruit, some raw vegetables ( kohlrabi , cucumber , etc.) or a crisp leaf salad as a starter. Chew thoroughly and slowly so that the raw food is well digested and tolerated.

  1. Sports Day

Extend your daily exercise routine by 5 minutes. You don’t have an exercise routine? Start with 5 minutes a day! Use your exercise bike, cross trainer, treadmill, trampoline or something similar. If you don’t have any equipment, use exercise instructions/videos on the internet. Soon 5 minutes won’t be enough for you, just wait and see!

  1. The Sun Day

Treat yourself to more sunshine! When the sun is shining, sunbathe . Depending on the season and time of day, it should last between 10 and 30 minutes.

  1. Pilates Day

Do you know Pilates? Check out where you live to see if you can take a beginner’s class. It is probably the best exercise system for more flexibility, perfect posture, a healthy back and more muscle strength.

  1. Smoothie Day

Drink one green smoothie a day.

  1. Houseplant Day

Buy more houseplants : They purify the air in your home. But make sure you buy plants that suit your home. Put succulents, such as aloe vera, in a south-facing window and get shade plants if your home is rather dark.

  1. Vitamin D Day

Since you have been getting regular sun exposure since day 4, your vitamin D level has probably already increased because the body can produce vitamin D on its own when exposed to sunlight. If you cannot go out in the sun regularly or the sun is not currently shining, you should take vitamin D as a dietary supplement – at least in winter – ideally combined with vitamin K2 and magnesium.

Vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium from the intestines and vitamin K2 ensures that the calcium is incorporated into the bones and not into the blood vessel walls. Magnesium ensures that vitamin D is activated in the first place. Vitamin D also strengthens the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the risk of all kinds of chronic diseases – of course only if you previously had a deficiency. Therefore, have your vitamin D levels checked before taking it. You can read all the important information in the link above.

  1. Quinoa Day

Eat more quinoa . Quinoa is a pseudocereal. It provides extremely high-quality protein and also contains a lot of iron, magnesium and calcium. Quinoa can be a wonderful substitute for pasta or rice.

  1. Fat Day

Inspect your fat supplies today and switch to healthy fats . Replace all frying fats with high-quality organic coconut oil or organic frying oil. Replace cheap salad oils with virgin olive oil and treat yourself to something special every now and then, such as high-quality organic linseed oil or hemp oil, which you can use in small amounts every day for your salad dressings or drizzle over boiled potatoes.

  1. Antioxidant Day

Antioxidants are extremely important for our health! Antioxidants prevent cell, tissue and organ damage caused by free radicals. Antioxidants can be found in fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grain products. They are contained in higher doses in certain food supplements, e.g. astaxanthin . OPC from grape seeds, curcumin from turmeric , sulforaphane from broccoli, quercetin, resveratrol or aronia berries also provide you with extremely rich and effective antioxidants.

Choose two of them and take them as a course of treatment (until the packs are used up). Then try two others and keep alternating in this way. The antioxidant substances mentioned above not only have an antioxidant effect, but also have many other good properties for health. Since each substance has different properties, you can benefit from all of them if you alternate regularly.

Do you know that the root of health lies in the intestines? For any kind of complaint, intestinal cleansing is therefore one of the first and most important steps. A cleansing intestinal cleansing can now be integrated into everyday life very easily and simply. Use the strong detoxifying effect of bentonite and psyllium husk powder and build up your intestinal flora. Think today about when you want to tackle intestinal cleansing and find out about its benefits for your health: Instructions for your intestinal cleansing

  1. Teeth Day

Think today about what you could do for the health of your teeth and gums. Interesting measures, some of which have overwhelmingly positive effects, include oil pulling and mouthwashes with xylitol . Here you will find further tips that are helpful for periodontitis .

  1. Eye Day

Are your eyesight getting weaker? Or do you already wear glasses? Then you could consider today which effective natural remedies would make your eyes happy. For example, drink half a litre of carrot juice every day from today, preferably freshly squeezed (as a course of treatment over 4 weeks and observe what happens to your eyes). You can find numerous other tips here: Treating poor eyesight – completely naturally

  1. Liver Day

Bitter substances are an elixir of life for the liver . From now on, incorporate more bitter substances into your diet every day, e.g. in the form of bitter salads (endive, chicory, radicchio, sugarloaf, etc.) or as a dietary supplement (bitter powder, dandelion root extract , dandelion powder, Bittrio herbal elixir alcohol-free, etc.)

You could also start taking combination preparations made from special liver-protecting herbs as a course of treatment to help your liver with its daily detoxification work and prevent the development of fatty liver disease, such as the LeberVital complex from effective nature , which consists of artichoke leaf extract , dandelion root extract, desmodium leaf extract , milk thistle seed extract and choline .

  1. Six-pack day

After your 5-minute workout, do a few beetle reps if you want a six-pack instead of a flabby stomach. The beetle exercise (also known as criss-cross) is one of the most effective exercises for the abdominal muscles. This exercise is called the beetle exercise because you will look like a beetle lying on its back and rowing with its legs!

So you lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet on the floor. Then lift your legs so that they form two right angles. One between your torso and thigh and the other between your upper leg and lower leg.

Place your fingertips behind your ears or on your temples and keep your elbows wide apart. Now lift your upper body and alternately move your right elbow to your left knee, then your left elbow to your right knee. Move each knee towards the elbow and stretch the other leg almost straight out in front of you, without putting it down on the floor. The tip of your foot should point towards your shin (flex).

The exercise is performed calmly and with tension. Don’t forget to breathe! Do about 20 repetitions, rest and then do two more sets of 20 repetitions each.

  1. No-Parking-Nearby Day

Instead of looking for a parking space close to the supermarket, park further away on purpose. This way you can get a little more exercise and a little more sunshine at the same time. If it rains, this tip doesn’t change. Think about how positively rain affects your hair health.

  1. Water Filter Day

If you have been drinking tap water up to now, buy a good water filter or an osmosis device today or choose a good mineral water (e.g. Leonhardsquelle or Gerolsteiner or a good water from your region).

  1. Yoga Day

You already do a 5-minute exercise program every day and a few rounds of the Beetle. You park in a completely secluded area and also go to Pilates training regularly. Now you need a gentle form of exercise to balance things out.

With yoga , for example, you can reduce your stress and improve your physical endurance. Of course, there are plenty of videos with instructions on YouTube – whether for beginners or advanced – but nothing beats visiting a yoga school where your yoga teacher can help you to make sure you do everything right.

  1. Bathing day

Take a relaxing hot bath with an alkaline bath salt today . You can also add calming herbs such as lavender or uplifting herbs such as rosemary to the water. This will do wonders for your mind and muscles. If you don’t have time for an alkaline full bath, you can also have an alkaline foot bath.

  1. Massage Day

Get a professional massage today! Ideally, at least once a week from now on. Massage therapy is a wonderful way to reward yourself for some achievement and it is also extremely healthy. Massages are not exactly cheap.

You could therefore take a massage course with your partner or a friend. Then you will soon be able to massage each other and, above all, expertly. And if you don’t have a partner at the moment or if your partner isn’t very fond of massage, then there are also the odd self-massage, such as the dry brush massage or the abdominal self-massage .

  1. Sprout Day

Grow your own sprouts ! With a simple, inexpensive sprouting device or a few * sprouting jars , you can grow your own sprouts and – depending on the variety – eat them after just one or two days. If you only eat around 30 grams of sprouts a day, this alone will have a major impact on preventing cancer and strengthening the immune system. Sprouts and seedlings are also available to buy (in the refrigerated section of your (organic) supermarket).

For storage, sprouts are also available in gently dried form, e.g. * broccoli sprouts , buckwheat sprouts, etc.

  1. Garden Day

If you have a garden and the season is right, go out into your garden today and look around. What’s growing here? Weeds? Very good. Which weeds? Ground elder, dandelions, chickweed, plantain, yarrow? Great.

You will harvest these weeds in the future. You can cut them into your salad or use them to make green smoothies. If there are no weeds growing in your garden, then plant some. “Weeds” can be bought in high-quality garden centers under the name “wild perennials”.

It is even easier to dig up a piece of lawn and leave it fallow. Delicious and healthy wild plants will grow there, such as sow thistle and orache. You don’t have a garden? No problem. In this case, plant your balcony boxes with edible wild plants or wild perennials.

And if it’s winter, you can already plan where and how you want to plant your new wild perennial bed! Plan it to be big enough so that you can let some of the plants flower and produce seeds. Then not only will your health benefit from the bed, but many insects, birds and other animals will also be pleased.

  1. Trampoline Day

Get yourself a mini trampoline today and bounce on it in your living room. This way, you can actively use the time you spend watching the news or your favorite series. A trampoline is particularly beneficial for joint problems or a lack of mobility. If you are an advanced athlete, you can of course also train on the mini trampoline. There are excellent videos online with workouts for advanced athletes. You can also train with weights on the trampoline.

  1. The Sleep Day

Review your sleeping habits today and make sure you get about 7 hours of sleep every night – not much more, but not much less either. Most people are sleep deprived, and the consequences for health are enormous.

Also, always keep a rhythm. That means if you get up at 6:30 a.m. on weekdays, do the same on weekends. You won’t believe how much more creative and healthy this will make your weekend.

You will then make sure to go to bed early on the weekend, you will automatically waste less time in front of the television, you will drink less alcohol and, best of all, you will be able to spend Sunday morning doing something active and creative instead of in bed and you will feel much better and more constructive than with the usual debilitating hangover.

If you suffer from sleep disorders , you will find helpful information in the previous link. You can also make yourself a delicious nightcap with Ashwagandha .

  1. Farmers Market Day

Look for an organic farmer near you today where you can buy healthy, seasonal produce that is freshly harvested and of the highest quality. The farm may also offer delivery of subscription boxes.

  1. The farewell day

Do you have a job you don’t like? Quit it! Scale down your lifestyle so you can get by on less money, and then pursue what you really enjoy doing. Being happy in a small house is better than being unhappy in a big house. Of course, don’t quit your job right away. Instead, make two plans today:

Plan A: Write down what would have to happen for you to feel more comfortable in your current job and think about how you could make it happen. Talk to your colleagues and superiors about it.

Plan B: Write down what alternatives you would have if you left your job. Plan exactly how you would make ends meet and what steps you would take to get your dream job. Remember: the future belongs to the brave!

  1. Medicine Cabinet Day

Inspect your medicine cabinet today and write down which medications you take and how often. Consider which of these medications are unnecessary. If you believe your medications are indispensable, then look for natural and holistic measures that can improve your health so that you can slowly but surely stop or taper off your medications.

Discuss this point with the doctor who prescribed the medication. If he or she insists on taking the medication, consult a holistic doctor and ask for a second opinion.

  1. Anti-TV Day

Turn off your TV! And above all, never turn it on again just because you’re bored. Feel free to watch a program that really interests you and that you’re looking forward to. Make watching TV something special and rare. Just don’t let it become an everyday occurrence.

Watching TV is a waste of time, or more precisely, a waste of life. Think about how much time you spend in front of the TV. Let’s say it’s three hours a day. That’s 21 hours a week and 84 hours a month. 84 hours! That’s crazy! Now think about everything you could do in that time.

You could have fun with your children. You could make your partner happy and do something together. You could invest this time in your health (you now have enough tips for this). You could take on an education or further training course and thereby give your life and career a new impetus – perhaps a distance learning course?

  1. Distance Learning Day

There are many courses available at distance learning academies. Take a look around and see what you would enjoy. There are distance learning courses in almost every area.

If you are interested in health, nutrition and naturopathy , then visit the website of the Academy of Naturopathy today and find out about the distance learning course to become a holistic nutritionist (specialist consultant for holistic health). Read the feedback from former and current participants and find out how they experienced the distance learning course and how much success and joy they are now having in their new profession. You can take a look at the modules online here .


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Important NOTE

This article was written based on current studies (at the time of publication) and has been reviewed by medical professionals, but should not be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment and is not a substitute for a visit to your doctor. Therefore, always discuss any measure (whether from this or another of our articles) with your doctor first.

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