3 Drinks that increase cholesterol levels

High cholesterol puts you at risk for heart disease.
Having high cholesterol levels poses various health risks. Although it is a type of fat that is essential for life, since the body requires it to function properly, when it rises it is very harmful, especially for the heart.
The Cinfasalud portal , from Spain, explains that cholesterol is a waxy substance that has a structural function, since it confers stability to cell membranes and also helps to synthesize vitamin D, essential for healthy bones.
The liver manufactures a large part of this compound, but the rest reaches the body through fatty foods that are part of the diet of people. Similarly, bile, produced by the liver, contains this type of fat, which is partly reabsorbed by the intestine during digestion.
Health risks appear when blood cholesterol levels rise too high, causing cardiovascular risk factors. When this happens it can clog arteries and increase the chance of cardiovascular disease, heart attack and stroke.
With high cholesterol, fatty deposits may form in the blood vessels. Normally these grow larger and make it more difficult for enough blood to flow through the arteries.The most complex thing, according to experts from the Mayo Clinic institute, is that sometimes these deposits break and form clots that cause a heart attack or a stroke.
In addition to eating an unbalanced diet and leading a sedentary life with little physical activity, the consumption of certain drinks influences the increase in cholesterol.
3 Drinks that increase cholesterol levels
Soft drinks and sugary juices
A study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, which analyzed data from more than 6,000 people, determined that the intake of soft drinks and other sugary drinks, even those that are promoted as light, i have an effect on the increase in blood cholesterol. .
This same investigation concluded that participants who drank at least one sugary drink a day were more likely to develop high concentrations of triglycerides and bad cholesterol than those who had a moderate consumption (less than one drink a month), according to a publication in the digital media. Business Insider. Likewise, those habitual consumers of soft drinks and sugary juices were less likely to develop good cholesterol.
Alcoholic drinks
Alcohol isn’t good for keeping cholesterol in check either, because when it’s broken down in the body, it’s rebuilt into triglycerides and cholesterol in the liver, according to the British Heart Association.Therefore, it increases the levels of these substances in the blood.
This is an issue that should be paid attention to, since excess triglycerides in the liver sometimes generates fatty liver, a condition that prevents this organ from functioning properly, so it will not be able to eliminate bad cholesterol from the blood and this can accumulate in the form of plaques in the arteries, causing cardiovascular risks.
Milkshakes and shakes
These drinks, for the most part, are made from creams and milk, which contain high levels of saturated fat, not to mention added sugars. These are components that affect the high levels of LDL cholesterol (bad) and triglycerides in the blood, according to the Gastrolab portal, from Mexico.
Changes in lifestyle
The Healthline portal indicates that there are some lifestyle changes that help prevent increased cholesterol and are the following:
- Physical activity helps to lose weight and increase HDL (good) cholesterol.
- Eat more fiber. Add more fiber to the diet by consuming more whole grains.
- healthy fats Healthy fats include: olive oil, avocado, and certain nuts.
- Limit saturated fats. Reduce the amount of foods high in saturated fat such as: cheese, whole milk and very fatty red meat.
- avoid cigarette
- Limit alcohol. The American Heart Association recommends drinking alcohol in moderation, which means, on average, no more than two drinks per day for men and one for women.
- Healthy weight. Losing excess body weight helps lower cholesterol levels.