13 foods high in iron

Iron is a mineral found naturally in many foods. Some products are fortified with iron. There are also nutritional supplements with the mineral. It is important to consume enough iron with food, as it is involved in the production of hemoglobin and helps the distribution of oxygen throughout the body. 1 It is also important for muscle metabolism and maintaining healthy connective tissue. An adult man in good health needs 8.7 milligrams of iron per day, while women of childbearing age need about 14.8 mg.

Iron is found in a wide variety of plant and animal foods. However, the types of iron in each food or product are different. Plant-based foods contain only non-heme iron, while animal-based foods contain both heme and non-heme iron. 2 Of the two types that exist, heme iron is more easily absorbed by the body. In this article, you’ll find 13 iron-rich foods you can add to your diet to increase your intake of the mineral.

13 foods high in iron

Fortified breakfast cereals 

Cereals are common foods that are fortified with nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Due to the fact that iron is an essential nutrient, many breakfast cereals contain enough iron to reach the recommended daily allowance. For example, 100 grams of cornflakes contain up to 19.4 mg of iron.


Oysters contain a lot of iron. 100 grams of the product are a source of 5.11 mg of iron. They are high in vitamin B12 because they cover twice the daily recommended dose. B12 is extremely important for a healthy metabolism and it is difficult to get enough of it through common food sources.

White beans 

White beans contain up to 4.93 mg of iron per 100 grams of product when cooked. It is also a source of complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber. White beans are a kind of nutritional treasure whose presence is essential in many plant-based diets.

Black chocolate 

Some of the more tempting foods that will help you reach your daily recommended dose of iron are dark chocolate with a high cocoa nib content. 100 grams of the product contain 11.0 mg of iron. Dark chocolate is also lower in fat and sugar than milk chocolate, making it surprisingly more nutritious than you might think.

Calf liver  Calf liver is one of the foods that have the highest iron content. 100 grams of liver contains 4.9 mg, which is a significant contribution to the daily portion of the mineral. With twice the amount of vitamin B12 you need in a day, as well as 20.4g of protein and plenty of vitamin A, beef liver is a very nutrient-dense product.


5 benefits of taking liver


1 year AgoClaire Muszalski


If you follow a plant-based diet, then cooked lentils are a rich source of iron, which will provide you with 3.3 mg for every 100 grams of the product. Lentils contain a lot of fiber, protein and potassium, as well as vitamin B6, which will support the work of the metabolism.


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3 years agoLauren Dawes



Green leafy vegetables such as spinach are also high in iron, even higher than kale. 100 g of raw spinach contains about 2.7 mg of iron. Spinach has a lot of water, so it becomes more nutrient dense when the water in it evaporates during the cooking process. It is also a good source of antioxidants as well as many vitamins.


Tofu is a popular plant source of protein, but it also contains 6 mg of iron per 100 g of product. It has 10g of protein and 85 calories in the same serving, which means it’s a good alternative to meat that will help you reach your daily macros, even if you’re not vegetarian or vegan.


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2 years AgoJennifer Blow


Kidney-shaped red beans 

Kidney beans, like white beans, are a great source of iron, especially for people following plant-based diets. Red beans contain 2.9 mg of iron per 100 g of product, also have 8.7 g of protein and 7.4 g of fiber, which will keep you full for a long time.


Sardines are a product that you can store for a longer time in a cupboard if necessary. They contain 2.9 g of iron in 100 g of product. They can be eaten alone or as an addition to salad and other dishes. Sardines also contain a lot of protein – as many as 24.6 g in 100 g of sardines, and they have only 208 calories.


When cooked, 100 grams of chickpeas contain the same amount of iron as 100 grams of sardines (about 2.9 mg). If you don’t like sardines and wouldn’t put them in your salad or on a slice of bread, you can always replace them with chickpeas. It will add 9 grams of protein and 7.6 grams of fiber per 100 grams of product.


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2 years AgoJennifer Blow


Sun dried tomatoes 

Sun-dried tomatoes contain very little water, which means they have a more concentrated nutrient content than regular fresh tomatoes. 100 g of dried tomatoes have 9 grams of iron, so it is a good idea to add them to your salad and thus increase your intake of the mineral. They are rich in vitamin C and very tasty.


Beef is just one of many sources of iron. It contains 3 mg of non-heme iron in 100 grams of product. Including lean beef in your diet is a good way to increase your protein intake as well.


Homemade beef sandwich


2 years AgoLauren Dawes


Iron is essential for body function, and low levels can negatively affect your health, energy levels, and fitness performance. Eating more of the foods that contain iron listed in this article will help you reach your recommended daily intake of the mineral more easily. You can also consider taking iron in the form of a dietary supplement. If you think you are not getting enough iron and want to consult a specialist, contact your GP.


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