13 Amazing Benefits of Oranges

Benefits of Oranges

When you say to take a tour in Mediterranean cities, you can come across orange trees on every corner and on the streets. The orange tree is such a plant that many things can be done with the fruit it gives. You can find healing and eliminate diseases with orange juice. You can add aroma and flavor to many of your desserts with orange peel.

The orange tree, which grows in many species, is also available in our country. According to recent research, approximately 9,000,000 orange trees have been identified. We can also state that 740,000 yields were obtained from these trees during the year. Now let’s get to know the orange, the healing store of the houses, more closely!

Orange Calories and Nutritional Value

Orange is a fruit with high nutritional value. There are 47 calories in a 100 gram orange. While it contains 11.8 grams of carbohydrates, 2.4 grams of fiber, 0.9 grams of protein; It also provides 0.1 grams of fat, 225.0 iu of vitamin A, and 53.2 mg of vitamin C. It also has 181 mg of potassium and 40 mg of calcium. 1 small orange is equal to 1 fruit that should be consumed in a day. Orange sugar ratio is 9 grams per 100 grams.

  • 14 calories when 1 slice of orange is consumed
  • Small size orange calorie information: 47 kcal
  • A large orange can be 141 calories.

What Are the Benefits of Oranges?

  • It strengthens the immune system. It protects against diseases and allows you to have a healthier winter season.
  • Vitamin C, which should be taken during the day, is found in one orange. If you take vitamin C regularly, you will be more dynamic and healthy.
  • It contains antioxidant substances. You can eliminate harmful substances that try to settle in your body by consuming oranges.
  • Provides collagen repair. You can also provide skin beauty with orange.
  • Since it cleans the body, it prevents cancer cells from settling in the body.
  • It supports the more active functioning of the kidneys. Thus, the edema problem is also eliminated.
  • Contains vitamin A. Vitamin A protects eye health. By consuming oranges, you can prevent the formation of yellow spots in the eyes.
  • It accelerates blood circulation. It gives energy to the person. It prevents cold in winter days.
  • Orange consumption is recommended for those dealing with anemia problem. Orange increases blood cells.
  • Another feature is that it is anti-inflammatory. With this aspect, it removes inflammation in the body and prevents the risk of infection.
  • One orange for heart health! Orange is a miracle fruit to prevent heart diseases. It is effective for the treatment of atherosclerosis.
  • Those who have difficulties in losing weight struggle with insulin resistance. At this point, orange will come into play and will be effective to break insulin resistance.
  • Do not neglect to consume oranges to prevent diabetes.

What Are the Benefits of Orange Juice?

  • If kidney stone formation is in question, you should start the day with a glass of fresh orange juice. Because orange juice stops the progression of kidney stones.
  • If you drink orange juice on the days of infection, you can easily get rid of the bacteria in your body and regain your health. It is a medicine especially for diseases such as cold and flu.
  • If you consume orange juice on an empty stomach, you can treat the diseases that occur in your intestines.
  • By consuming a glass of orange juice every morning, you can reduce the risk of obesity by 14%.
  • You can also delay aging if you regularly drink freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • It is recommended that people with anemia problems consume orange juice. It cures anemia.
  • In case of constipation or diarrhea, you can regulate the functioning of the intestines by drinking a glass of orange juice.

How is the Orange Diet Made? Diet list

How about getting one step closer to losing weight with an antioxidant-effective orange? It is very easy to shed excess weight with an orange-based diet and by consuming plenty of water. Now, with the 3-day orange diet list we will give you, you can get rid of edema and start losing weight. With a little patience, a little effort and lots of movement, let the pounds go!

1 day

  • Morning: 1 slice of toast. 50 grams of cheese, olives. 1 medium sized orange
  • Lunch: Salad of 150 grams of lettuce and 50 grams of salmon. 1 glass of yoghurt (added 1/2 (half) tsp honey), 2 small slices of wholemeal bread and 1 orange;
  • Dinner: 75 grams of grilled liver, 75 grams of mushrooms, 125 grams of fresh raspberries + 2 tablespoons of yogurt, 100 grams of green beans, 1 orange.

2 days

  • Morning: 1 slice of toast, 100 ml of orange juice, 1 boiled egg,
  • Lunch: 150 g of boiled red beans + curly, 1 slice of toasted bread with 1 teaspoon of butter. 1 orange.
  • Dinner: Boiled chicken meat sprinkled with paprika, 1 orange, brussels sprouts and broccoli

3 days

  • Morning: 50 grams of skim cheese, 4 slices of toast, 1 slice of melon, 1 teaspoon of butter or margarine 1 glass of orange juice.
  • Lunch: 2 medium-sized boiled potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, 50 g skim cheese, 2 dessert spoons of butter, 1 orange.
  • Dinner: 75 grams of grilled lean lamb. Boiled potatoes, zucchini and carrots, 125 g yogurt, 100 g pineapple, 1 orange.

How to Apply Orange Mask? What Does It Do?

Orange is rich in vitamins. Especially the vitamin E it contains is beneficial for your skin. You can remove your dead skin from your skin by making a skin mask with such a useful fruit. You may also notice that your face is revitalized and looks cleaner after the mask. The mask you need to apply will be as follows.


  • 3 orange peels
  • Honey
  • Yoghurt


  • Dry the orange peels in the sun for a few days.
  • Throw the dried peels into the blender and grind them into powder.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey and yogurt to this powder and mix with a spoon.
  • You will get cream.
  • Apply the orange peel mask you prepared on your clean and washed face.
  • Let the cream sit on your skin for 15 minutes.
  • Then wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • When you apply the mask regularly, you can see how much vitality your skin has gained.

How to Use Orange Oil? What Is It Good For?

Orange oil is thinned with almond oil and becomes suitable for use on the skin. When applied to the skin:

  • Prevents and eliminates acne and pimples.
  • It prevents the formation of an inflammation in the skin, cleans it.
  • It is a one-to-one remedy for cellulite.
  • Protects the skin against air pollution.
  • It prevents the formation of wrinkles.

Usage for hair:

Create a mask by adding 10 drops of orange oil to some olive oil. Apply this mask on your hair and leave it for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair with shampoo. When you apply it every week, you may notice that your hair is softened and nourished.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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