10 Tips against depression

= There are different types of depression: from mild to severe, chronic or seasonal . Depression can have a significant impact on your life. It is important, with any form of depression , that you do not continue to struggle with it but seek help. In addition to seeking professional help, there are also things you can do immediately independently. A number of rules and tips can alleviate your depressive symptoms and/or support your therapy, allowing you to achieve better and faster results.

1. Regular sleep pattern

Maintaining a healthy day and night rhythm is a challenge for someone with depression, but it pays to do your best. Although the temptation can be very great, it is wise to sleep as little as possible during the day. Sleeping during the day can make your feelings of depression worse. In addition, it will benefit your sleep if you remain active during the day.

2. Regular eating pattern

Eating a good breakfast, lunch and dinner every day is important to keep your blood sugar levels in check. If you regularly skip a meal and your body’s energy supply threatens to run out, your body will switch to a survival mode. This releases stress hormones that can make your depressive feelings worse. In addition, depression is often associated with a lack of certain vitamins and minerals. If you think your depression has such a physical cause, discuss this with your doctor.

3. Exercise and get outside

When you are depressed you are often tired or even exhausted, both mentally and physically. You tend to avoid activities. You always feel like you need rest to recharge. Yet it is very important to resist that feeling every now and then. Even if it is just going outside for 10 minutes a day for a walk or doing a relaxing yoga session. By staying physically active and getting outside you give your body a nice boost.

4. Maintain social contact

Maintaining social contact can be a major challenge. However, at least one meaningful social contact moment every day can have a positive effect on your depressive feelings. Talking to someone you trust can help you express your feelings. In addition, that person can help you remember positive points that you may have lost sight of.

5. Do relaxing activities

By distracting yourself with relaxing activities or useful chores, you give yourself some breathing space. Start small, like folding laundry, a simple DIY project or reading a book. Breathing exercises can also provide peace and relaxation.

6. Make a positivity book

Collect all kinds of photos, quotes and other material that makes you happy or inspires you and turn them into a personal positivity book. Not only does it provide distraction, such a book can also provide guidance during more difficult days.

7. Write it down!

Having difficulty concentrating and being forgetful is normal during depression. It can help to use to-do lists. In addition, keeping a diary can help you monitor your depression: are your depressive feelings getting worse or better and what causes certain thoughts and feelings? Trying to identify your risk factors and triggers will also provide valuable insights.

8. Compliment yourself

When you’re depressed, it’s easy to lose sight of positive things about yourself and your life. Be kind to yourself and compliment yourself every day! Have you completed an unpleasant job or have you gone outside for a while, even though you were really dreading it? Well done!

9. Procrastination

Depressed people postpone jobs because they dread them immensely. This jeopardizes, among other things, functioning at school and at work, with all its consequences. Make an agreement with yourself about this: ‘I do 1 task every day that I dread’. This will provide relief and will give you the feeling of remaining in control.

10. Be aware and break negative thoughts

Negative thoughts dominate when you are depressed. You always have a critical voice in your head and/or you keep worrying. By practicing turning negative thoughts around, you become more aware of your negative thoughts and you can use ‘tricks’ such as saying ‘stop’ to break the worry.

You can alleviate depression with these tips. However, more is needed to tackle severe and/or chronic depression. This varies per individual and is best discussed with healthcare professionals, such as a GP and a psychologist.


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